
E un fapt dovedit: oamenii isi doresc sa calatoreasca tot mai mult. In doar cateva decenii, turismul - de placere sau de afaceri - a ajuns una dintre cele mai dinamice industrii din lume. In Romania, progresele facute in ultimii ani sunt uimitoare, iar potentialul turistic al tarii indreptateste previziunile optimiste ale specialistilor. Acest curent favorabil calatoriilor de orice fel este o provocare pentru toate agentiile de turism de la noi. CMB TRAVEL este o companie cu o pozitie solida pe piata romaneasca de turism. Acest succes se datoreaza consecventei cu care CMB TRAVEL a reusit sa ofere servicii de cea mai buna calitate clientilor sai, modului prietenos de lucru cu acestia si seriozitatii cu care se implica in dezvoltarea unor produse noi. O companie atenta la asteptarile pietei, CMB TRAVEL isi propune sa fie un "one-stop shop" in privinta serviciilor de turism. De aceea, am creat departamente specializate, astfel incat sa putem oferi o gama completa de servicii flexibile si inovative - de la rezervari de bilete de avion la vacante in tara si in strainatate, create in functie de dorintele si bugetul clientilor nostri; de la calatorii de afaceri sau tematice la organizarea de conferinte si evenimente speciale.

La CMB TRAVEL am fi onorati sa va avem drept client si speram sa putem construi impreuna o relatie durabila.

Bilete de avion

CMB TRAVEL nu se rezuma la a oferi clientilor sai doar bilete de avion, ci o gama intreaga de servicii aditionale, strins legate de managementul calatoriilor cu avionul.
Pe linga rezervari de bilete, obtinerea vizelor necesare si rezolvarea altor probleme organizatorice, echipa noastra este pregatita sa va ofere itinerarii personalizate, care cuprind informatii despre cursa dumneavoastra, orarul zborurilor si chiar starea vremii de la destinatie.
Clientii nostri stiu ca pot conta pe sprijinul nostru in orice situatie, indiferent pe ce aeroport din lume s-ar afla.
CMB TRAVEL ofera astfel de servicii atit grupurilor sau companiilor, cit si persoanelor particulare.
Datorita parteneriatelor pe care le-am dezvoltat cu cele mai importante companii aeriene, clientii nostri pot beneficia, de la caz la caz, de tarife preferentiale.

Calatorii de afaceri

In lumea afacerilor, posibilitatea de a ajunge dintr-un loc in altul in cel mai scurt timp si in cele mai bune conditii de confort este esentiala. CMB TRAVEL vine in sprijinul celor care se ocupa de organizarea calatoriilor de afaceri in marile companii, precum si al tuturor oamenilor de afaceri, oferindu-le servicii specializate. Noi putem pregati calatoria in cele mai mici amanunte de la obtinerea documentelor necesare si inminarea acestora direct dumneavoastra, la birou sau acasa, pina la organizarea intilnirilor de afaceri, oriunde ati vrea sa aiba loc. Pe linga transport si cazare, va putem furniza detalii despre cursele aeriene spre destinatiile care va intereseaza, cu ajutorul unui sistem computerizat, si sintem in masura sa va obtinem preturi avantajoase la hotelurile din marile orase ale lumii. La destinatie, ne putem ocupa de deplasarea catre locurile in care va desfasurati activitatea, de organizarea unor intilniri de afaceri, angajarea unor translatori profesionisti etc.
Componenta turistica a unei calatorii de afaceri nu trebuie neglijata, iar CMB TRAVEL poate aranja excursii de scurta durata, vizite la obiectivele turistice importante, va poate rezerva bilete la un spectacol sau locuri la un restaurant celebru. Daca doriti sa faceti cumparaturi, va putem recomanda cele mai bune magazine, in functie de ceea ce va intereseaza.


Oriunde ati dori sa va petreceti vacanta, intr-un sat pitoresc din Carpati sau pe o plaja umbrita de palmieri din Tahiti, CMB TRAVEL preia responsabilitatea organizarii vacantei dumneavoastra, ocupindu-se de toate amanuntele. O impresionanta banca de peste 120 mii de hoteluri si vile, precum si parteneriatele cu firmele specializate in inchirierea de masini, autocare sau curse charter ne permit sa cream programe de vacanta perfect puse la punct, catre 120 de destinatii din toata lumea.
In plus fata de pachetele standard de vacanta oferite de agentiile locale de turism, CMB TRAVEL a dezvoltat pentru clientii sai din Romania citeva produse originale. Flexibile si creative, ele permit oricui sa isi planifice o vacanta asa cum isi doreste.

Calatori straini in Romania

Romania este o adevarata revelatie pentru cei care vor sa se intoarca la valorile simple si la natura. O vacanta in Muntii Carpati, in Delta Dunarii sau in satele pitoresti din Bucovina este o incintare pentru minte, trup si suflet. Maramures este un loc absolut fabulos, unic in lume, in care traditiile si modul de viata se pastreaza neschimbate de mii de ani. Calatoriile tematice atrag multi turisti in Romania - cele mai solicitate fiind cele legate de vinatoare, pescuit si vinuri - dar si turismul cultural, in care, in ultimii ani, un loc distinct si-au cistigat traseele Dracula!
Pentru cei care in vacanta vor sa se distreze, principalele destinatii sint statiunile de pe malul Marii Negre - incepind cu Mamaia si terminind cu Neptun - si statiunile de schi de pe Valea Prahovei. De la peisaje spectaculoase, care iti taie respiratia, mincare sanatoasa si ape minerale miraculoase la plaje cu nisip fin si cluburi pulsind de viata, Romania ofera turistilor straini o multime de posibilitati de a petrece vacante memorabile la preturi avantajoase. CMB TRAVEL ar fi onorat sa fie ghidul dumneavoastra intr-una dintre cele mai surprinzatoare tari ale Europei!

Conferinte, evenimente, incentive-uri

Pentru clientii sai din Romania sau din alte tari care doresc sa organizeze conferinte, intilniri ale oamenilor de vinzari si diferite evenimente in Bucuresti sau in tara ori calatorii care sa rasplateasca munca angajatilor sau a unor parteneri de afaceri, CMB TRAVEL ofera servicii la un inalt standard de profesionalism. Reusita unor astfel de evenimente este deosebit de importanta pentru clientii nostri si de aceea am creat o structura si proceduri care faciliteaza organizarea desavirsita a acestora. De la transport (care poate include inchirierea unor automobile de lux) si cazare la hoteluri din centrul oraselor sau in locuri pitoresti pina la gasirea celor mai potrivite sali, dotate cu toate facilitatile, pentru evenimentul dumneavoastra, CMB TRAVEL are experienta necesara pentru a pune la punct un astfel de proiect in cel mai scurt timp si respectind bugetul de care dumneavoastra dispuneti.
Pentru a va motiva si rasplati angajatii sau partenerii de afaceri pentru rezultatele obtinute, putem organiza vacante (incentives), create special pentru dumneavoastra, in Romania sau in locuri dintre cele mai exotice.

Politica de Responsabilitate Sociala (CSR)

Angajamentul Conducerii CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP SRL – A/T CMB TRAVEL si a intregului sau colectiv privind Politica de Responsabilitate Sociala (CSR) in domeniul Mediului Inconjurator, Sanatatii si Sigurantei in Munca, Calitatii si Performantei Serviciilor (ISO 9001:2008), Declaratiei Universale a Drepturilor Omului, Non – Discriminarii si a Codului Etic

Aici, la CMB, ne straduim mereu pentru a actiona ca o entitate organizationala care ia in considerare pe deplin impactul actual si viitor al afacerii noastre, in plan economic, social si al mediului de afaceri. Cultura organizationala a companiei CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP SRL – A/T CMB TRAVEL tine cont de promovarea unei dezvoltari durabile a societatii pentru imbunatatirea permanenta a calitatii vietii. In acest sens, compania a elaborat si a implementat la nivel organizational prin intermediul Regulamentului Intern, precum si prin asumarea publica de angajamente la nivelul conducerii organizatiei si a tuturor membrilor sai o serie de politici, proceduri si masuri care vizeaza mediul inconjurator, sanatatea si siguranta in munca, calitatea si performanta serviciilor (ISO 9001:2008).

Conducerea organizatiei CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP SRL – A/T CMB TRAVEL, precum si toti membrii sai, isi reafirma public si permanent angajamentul de respectare a Declaratiei Universale a Drepturilor Omului in conformitate cu prevederile legale din Titlul II din Constitutia Romaniei, incluzand si dreptul de proprietate privata, drepturile civile si politice, drepturile sociale si accesul la cultura, dreptul de asociere si libertatea intrunirilor etc.

De asemenea, conducerea organizatiei, precum si toti membrii sai actioneaza in conformitate cu respectarea tuturor prevederilor legale reglementate, inclusiv de Organizatia Internationala a Muncii. Conducerea organizatiei CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP SRL – A/T CMB TRAVEL isi reafirma public si permanent angajamentul de asumare a unei Politici de non-discriminare, pe principii legate de rasa, sex, culoare, religie, social, etnie etc. In plus, organizatia, prin practicile sale de munca si procedurile de recrutare care sunt accesibile oricarui individ, ofera oportunitati egale fortei de munca, fara deosebire de rasa, sex, culoare, religie, credinta, stare civila etc si mentine o activitate pozitiva si deschisa pentru a respecta acest angajament.

In scopul asigurarii unei calitati ridicate a serviciilor oferite clientilor si partenerilor sai, conducerea CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP SRL – A/T CMB TRAVEL, precum si toti membrii sai actioneaza pentru respectarea unor standarde inalte de integritate si onestitate in tot ceea ce face. Pentru aceasta, Conducerea CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP SRL – A/T CMB TRAVEL si toti membrii sai isi reafirma public permanent angajamentul de a lupta si a preveni orice practici cu impact negativ asupra clientilor, furnizorilor, comunitatilor si societatii, precum activitatile de coruptie si mita. In acest sens, Conducerea CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP SRL – A/T CMB TRAVEL si toti membrii sai se angajeaza in favoarea aplicarii de standarde morale si etice ridicate, asa cum sunt ele definite in Codul Etic prevazut in Regulamentul Intern al Organizatiei.


Acolo unde ne desfasuram activitatea o facem cu intentia explicita de a aplica standarde de protectie a mediului, imbunatatind continuu performantele noastre in acest domeniu. In acest sens, CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP SRL – A/T CMB TRAVEL sustine si promoveaza ecoturismul, produsele si serviciile eco-responsabile.

Suntem membri ai ANTREC (Asociatia Nationala de Turism Rural si Ecologic din Romania), asociatie care este membru EUROGITES, si promovam turismul rural ca o activitate durabila, multifunctionala bazata pe resurse locale, legate de activitatea traditionala si de valorile naturale din mediul rural.

Cunoasterea si popularizarea resurselor turistice din domeniul rural al tarii care asigura un standard de calitate pentru buna conservare a mediului, autenticitatea umana si culturala in legatura cu comunitatea locala si traditiile sale ofera accesul clientilor nostri la produse eco-responsabile, traditionale, cu specific, la o gastronomie aparte si le da posibilitatea conservarii patrimoniului natural, in limitele de securitate si de protejare a resurselor mediului.

Avem acces la peste 1000 de unitati din zona rurala ecoturistica a Romaniei si punem la dispozitia clientilor nostri oferte de pensiuni si alte locatii cu specific din sistemul ANTREC, in diverse zone ale tarii, pe care le promovam sistematic atat prin oferte punctuale transmise clientilor, cat si prin informarile periodice electronice de tipul newsletter-ului CMB.

Suntem constienti de importanta sustinerii prin orice mijloace a unui sistem de servicii si produse eco-responsabile care deschid numeroase oportunitati clientilor nostri pentru sustinerea responsabila si durabila a aspectelor legate de mediu.


It's a fact: people wish to travel more than ever before. Within only a few decades, the leisure and business travel has become one of the most dynamic industries in the world. In Romania, the progress recorded in the last years is simply amazing, and the potential of the country in this field entitles the specialists to make optimistic forecasts. This travel fervor is a challenge for all travel agencies in the country. CMB TRAVEL is a company with a reliable position on Romanian tourism market. The credit for this success goes to the consistent high-quality services provided to its clients, the friendly way of working with each customer and to the development of new and original products. A company that pays attention to the market's expectations, CMB TRAVEL acts like a "one-stop shop" for travel services. Our specialized departments allow us to offer a large range of flexible and innovative services - from flight reservation to any destination in the world to all kinds of holiday packages in Romania and abroad, designed according to clients' requests and budget; and from business or special interest town to organizing conferences and special events.

CMB TRAVEL would be truly honored to have you as a client. We hope that we can build together a profitable and lasting relationship.


CMB TRAVEL does not confine itself to providing to its clients domestic and international air ticketing, but strives to offer a large range of services related to travel management.
Besides flight reservation, travel insurance, visa etc, our team is prepared to provide customized itineraries to our clients, coordinating information on flights, gate assignments, schedules or the weather at destination. Our customers know that they can always count on our support, regardless of the airport they are in.
CMB TRAVEL offers this kind of services both companies or groups and to individuals. By teaming up with the best known airlines in the world, we can offer great services at highly competitive rates.


In the business world today, the possibility to go from one place to another in the shortest time and under the best comfort conditions is essential. CMB TRAVEL comes to help travel managers, arrangers and business travelers by offering professional corporate travel management services. We can prepare your trip in minute details – from getting the necessary travel documents and delivering them free of charge to the address indicated to organizing your business meetings, wherever they take place. Besides transportation, accommodation, passenger information and tips about your destination, we can also provide instant availability details and confirmation of all scheduled airlines with the help of our computerized system, and we are able to negotiate for you the lowest corporate rates at most of the major hotels chains. Once at destination, we can arrange your transfer to the meeting places, organize your business meeting, hire professional translators etc.
The entertaining part of a business trip should not be neglected and CMB TRAVEL may arrange one-day trips or sightseeing tours, may book concert tickets or make reservations at famous restaurants on your behalf. For shopping-addicts, we may recommend the best shops and malls, depending on your specific interests.


Wherever you would like to spend your holidays, in a picturesque village in the Carpathian Mountains or on an exotic beach in Tahiti, CMB TRAVEL takes the responsibility of organizing your vacation, taking care of all the details. An impressive bank of over 120,000 hotels and villas, as well as our partnerships with companies specialized in car, bus or chartered flights rentals, allow us to create well-designed holidays packages to 120 destinations all over the world.
In addition to the standard holidays packages provided by the travel agencies in Romania, CMB TRAVEL has lined up a series of original and exciting products targeting its Romanian customers. Flexible and creative, they allow anyone to plan a personalized vacation.


Romania is a revelation for people longing to return to nature and simple values. A holiday in the Carpathian Mountains, Danube Delta or the picturesque villages from Bucovina is a delight for your mind, body and soul. Maramures is an absolutely fabulous place, unique in the world, where the specific traditions and way of life seem untouched by time. Specific interest tours attract lots of tourists to Romania – the most required being related to hunting, fishing and wines, but also to cultural themes, the most recent hit being the famous Dracula tours!
If you are looking for fun, the best destinations are the resorts on the Black Sea Coast – from Mamaia to Neptun – and the ski resorts on the Prahova Valley. From spectacular breath-taking landscapes, healthy food and relaxing genuine village life to sand beaches and lively clubs, Romania offers foreign tourists lots of options for spending memorable and affordable holidays. CMB TRAVEL would be honored to be your guide to one of the most surprising country in Europe!


CMB TRAVEL is a reliable, professional partner for the preparation of your conferences, sales forces meetings, incentives, or any events you would like to organize in Bucharest or wherever else in Romania. We are aware that the success of such events is paramount for our customers, so that we have put in place procedures that smooth the entire process and allow us to guarantee a flawless organization. From transport (that may include renting luxury cars) and accommodation for the attendees in downtown hip hotels or romantic places to finding the fully IT-equipped halls and centers that suit your needs best, CMB TRAVEL has the required expertise to organize everything fast and within your budget. To help you maximize the experience and enjoy your time away from the office we can provide suggestions regarding various excursions, farewell parties or gala dinners.
If you want to motivate and reward your employees or business partners for their contribution to the success of your business, we can organize tailor-made incentive trips to exotic places and to Romania.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR)

CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP Ltd. – T/A CMB TRAVEL Management and its Entire Staff Commitment on Corporate Social Responsibility Policy in the Environmental Issues, Employees Health and Safety, Quality and Services Performance (ISO 9001:2008), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Non - Discrimination and Code of Ethics

Here, at CMB, we always strive to act as an organizational entity that fully takes into account current and future impact of our business, in economic, social and business environment. CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP Ltd – T/A CMB TRAVEL organizational culture takes into account the promotion of sustainable development of the society for continuous improvement of quality of life. In this regard, the company has developed and implemented at the organizational level through its Internal Regulation and public commitments by assuming the leadership of the organization and all its members a range of policies, procedures and measures dealing with environmental issues, employees health and safety, quality and services performance (ISO 9001:2008).

The Management of CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP Ltd – T/A CMB TRAVEL and all its members continuously reaffirm their public commitment to respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in accordance with legal provisions of Title II of the Romanian Constitution, including the Property and Privacy Rights, Civil and Political Rights, Social Rights and Access to Culture, the Freedom Right of Association and so on.

Also, the Management of the Organization and all its members act in accordance with all the legal provisions covered including the International Labour Organization. Management of CMB INTERNATIONAL Eximp Ltd – T/A CMB TRAVEL reaffirms its public commitment to assume a Non-Discrimination Policy, respecting the principles related to race, gender, color, religion, social, ethnic and so on. In addition, the Organization, through its work practices and procedures that are available to any individual recruitment, provides equal opportunities to the workforce without distinction to race, gender, color, religion, belief, marital status and so on and maintain a positive and open work to meet this commitment.

In order to ensure a high quality services to its clients and partners, CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP Ltd – T/A CMB TRAVEL Management and all its members act in order to meet high standards of integrity and honesty in everything we do. Further more, CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP Ltd – T/A CMB TRAVEL Management and its members reaffirm their public commitment to fight and prevent any negative impact practices on customers, suppliers, communities and society, such as corruption and bribery activities. In this sense, CMB INTERNATIONAL EXIMP Ltd – T/A CMB TRAVEL Management and its members are committed in applying the highest moral and ethical standards as defined in the Code of Ethics contained in its Internal Regulation.


Where we operate, we have the explicit intention to enforce environmental standards, continually improving our performance in this area. CMB INTERNATIONAL Eximp Ltd – T.A CMB TRAVEL supports and promotes ecotourism, eco-responsible products and services.

We are members of ANTREC (National Association of Rural and Ecological Tourism in Romania), an association that is a member EUROGITES, and we promote rural tourism as a sustainable and multifunctional activity, based on local resources related to traditional activities and natural values ​​of rural areas.

The knowledge and popularization of tourism resources in rural areas of the country that provide a good quality standard for environmental conservation, human and cultural authenticity about the community and its traditions offer our clients access to eco-responsible products, traditional cuisine and enable them the natural heritage conservation within the limits of security and protecting the environmental resources.

We have access to over 1000 rural ecotourism units in Romania and we offer our clients pensions and other specific locations through ANTREC system, in various parts of the country, that we systematically promote, by sending specific offers to the clients, as well as by informing them through our electronic periodical CMB newsletter.

We recognize the importance of supporting by any means a system of eco-responsible products and services which open up many opportunities to our clients to support themselves responsible and sustainable environmental issues.